- Check out WOW for the voice chat sweepstakes. You could win a free Logitech headset!
- Arena Calculator - plot out the rewards you want to earn
- Brewfest - enjoy the fermented fruit of the harvest. Check out what you can do!
- Patch 2.2.0 is here - WOOT!! Visit here for the patch notes.
Sal got her epic flying mount!! A picture to come soon! WHOO HOOO!!
Ding - we hit 30!! - Look what you can learn:
- Druid - Tranquility and you get your travel form
- Priest - Mind Control, Prayer of Healing, Divine Spirit and Shadow Protection
- Hunter - Aspect of the Beast and Feign Death
- Warrior - Intercept and Slam. Complete a quest to learn Berserker Stance
- Paladin - Blessing of Sanctuary, Seal of Light and Divine Intervention
- Mage - Teleport to Darnassus or Thunderbluff, Ice Armor and Blast Wave
- Shaman - Astral Recall, Grounding Totem, Nature Resistance Totem, Reincarnation, Totemic Call and Wind Fury Weapon
- Rogue - Kidney Shot, Hermorrhage and Disarm Trap
- Warlock - Enslave Demon, Hellfire and Summon Felhunter