Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ElunesGracePodcast #39 - Arena 3 Begins

  • Arena Season 3 starts today!
  • New Arena 3 vendor locations: Gadgetzsan, Area 52, outside of the Nagrand and Blade's Edge Mountains arenas to reduce visual lag.
  • MMO Calendar on sale - get your calendar today as it may be the last chance you get.
  • Arena Tournament this weekend, check this out for the details.

Elly earned her Netherdrake mount!! She chose the onyx color.

Leah having fun in Blade's Edge Mountains:


Anonymous said...

Elly, if you're interested in doing PvP as a prot warrior I would check out these forums:


There are some videos where prot warriors are getting some really huge Shield Slams. The idea behind prot pvp is to get as much +shield block as possible so you can put out some pretty good burst damage with Shield Slam.

Anonymous said...

Elly, if you're interested in doing PvP as a prot warrior I would check out these forums:


There are some videos where prot warriors are getting some really huge Shield Slams. The idea behind prot pvp is to get as much +shield block as possible so you can put out some pretty good burst damage with Shield Slam.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this

Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack in November, Preorder

Availability: This item will be released on November 30, 2008. Pre-order now!


Elly said...

Waisup, thanks for the link. I know Amazon.com is infamous for putting out a date that is not necessarily the true date. But it is interesting nonetheless.

Annai said...

The Dell laptops you speculated on have arrived. WoWInsider has the links. Got $4500 to spare?! Ouch! That's one pricey laptop, but it does have SLI video, so it probably makes WoW look really pretty. Not $4500 pretty, mind you, but... :)

Elly said...

Hey Annai,

Yeah I saw that and said holy cow how cool, but holy cow way too expensive. =)
